G L A S S E D  I N 

The transparency and opacity of an object is perceivable only with the help of the light penetrating through and the shadow it creates. This photographed series is an experiment with glass objects where I have placed the person in a view aligned with the bottom of the glass bottle or container so that the viewer views it as he or she might when one looks through such an object.

I wanted to play with coloured light and for that I decided to use coloured bottles. The subtle light and reflection it creates gives a tint to the photograph. The bottom of the bottle refracts light reaching the camera and distorts the face. Since we already have a pre-defined idea of how the face would be, we start looking for the eyes and the nose. And these features are present in all four photographs but in warped and distorted forms.

The series also changes in the form of its composition where first the hands holding the bottle is not visible and then gradually the skin of the finger becomes evident. It directs our eye outside the round focus from the middle. The mind sees what it wants to and I tried playing with the distance to understand the same.
Glassed In

Glassed In

An experimental staged photography
